The Say Communications Award for Excellence in Integrated Product/Brand Communications

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Improving access to SIRT in the UK

by 90TEN & Denovo Strategy for Sirtex

Summary of work

Bowel cancer that spreads to the liver is one of the biggest cancer killers in the UK and innovative solutions are needed that can offer extended survival for patients.

SIR-Spheres microspheres is a radiotherapy procedure that delivers millions of microscopic radioactive beads directly into tumours in the liver and can significantly extend life. With awareness of the procedure low, there was a clear need to educate patients and healthcare professionals about this life-extending treatment and to help them understand where and how they can access it.

By developing an integrated product campaign that mobilised clinical advocates, supported patients to tell their story and harnessed the power of the media, Sirtex, makers of SIR-Spheres, saw a dramatic increase in awareness among patient and clinicians and referrals for the procedure.

Judges’ comments

The clear, but simple, strategy we saw here ticked all the criteria boxes. Straight-forward, with SMART objectives and focused tactics they delivered impressive outcomes and clear benefits for patients. We liked the great transition between awareness, objectives and results in this truly integrated campaign. This could serve as best practice for what you can accomplish on a tight budget.