
Incisive Health

Summary of work

One of the most uncertain elections on record and an increasingly tight financial environment for the NHS meant that 2015 was a challenging year for health policy communications. Incisive Health overcame this uncertainty to grow by over a quarter, breaking through the £3m barrier.

This success was achieved through superb delivery for clients, achieving big wins on their behalf; clever marketing, demonstrating both specialist expertise and versatility in delivering communications programmes; and making big investments in the team.

The result is a growing business that attracts strong support from clients and key decision-makers. When it comes to health policy, Incisive Health is a genuinely respected voice. The Incisive Health team proves that effective communications is about substance as well as style. The results delivered show the difference that a case well made and compellingly communicated can make to the businesses of their clients and the lives of the patients they serve.

Judges’ comments

Incisive Health stood out this year with an awesome and inspiring entry! The diverse nature of outcomes produced was incredibly impressive and showed how making a real difference in the industry is a priority for the team. With a clear sense of market identity, good leadership and an emphasis on developing entry-level talent, Incisive Health is a brilliant and authentic industry leader.