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Zookeeper Zoe Eye Check Storybook

by Red Consultancy for Boots Opticians

Summary of work

A first for UK optical health, Zookeeper Zoe is a free storybook designed to help parents identify whether their child is among the one million children in the UK with an undiagnosed eyesight issue. It also aims to address the low uptake of children’s eye checks where 53% have never had an eye test.

Young children often don’t realise they’re not seeing properly and it’s hard for parents to spot so Zookeeper Zoe with its built-in eye checks was the perfect tool to address the problem - interactive, engaging and fun for parent and child.

The storybook was available in both digital and print formats and whilst conceived as PR, the campaign was extended through advertising, digital and in-store channels.

Hardworking, earned editorial and social media relations ensured mass awareness among our target audience leading to over 550,000 parents visiting/picking up a copy of the book with thousands going on to book eye checks.

Boots Opticians saw an 11% uplift in children’s eye appointments year-on-year, equating to an additional 24,000 eye checks or over 500 extra appointments per week following the book’s launch.

Judges’ comments

We all loved that this was an actual, physical book, and one that was clearly and very cleverly written with clear objectives in mind. It was very appropriate for topic and employed a fantastic storytelling strategy that showed great insight. Well delivered, very creative and very purposeful, this was simple but effective in a challenging environment. It targeted a big unmet need, resulted in 24,000 extra eye checks and is, quite simply, a game changer.