
Cutting through the noise in health policy

by Incisive Health

Summary of work

Many problems in health have a policy dimension, but addressing them requires a skillset that goes far beyond ‘traditional’ public affairs. Policymakers are just like any other audience - their world is increasingly digital. Incisive Health recognised that, in order to stand out from the crowd, consultancies must prove that they can operate in this space and win the battle for attention in the noisy digital arena.

This programme applied the same rigour and creativity to Incisive Health’s own communications that it would expect to apply to that of a client. Activity ranged from the informative and insightful to the entertaining.

Detailed blogs and digital newsletters went hand in hand with quizzes and visual summary presentations. Incisive Health even gave its audience an opportunity to do battle with the Treasury in a retro game on NHS funding.

The results were impressive. Great feedback from key stakeholders, impressive engagement from an army of digital fans and a growing reputation as not only a key commentator on health policy, but also as a lively and valued part of the digital discourse.

Judges’ comments

This had an engaging style that truly created a community, with twice the industry standard open rates for its email content. The team understood how to adapt to different platforms and we loved both their strategy and the fact that they really ‘got’ the digital part of it.