Excellence in Communication of Survey or Market Research Data

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by 90TEN for Novartis Pharmaceuticals

Summary of work

125 million people worldwide live with psoriasis - a chronic skin condition that causes itching, scaling and pain. Achieving clear skin can be life-changing but no previous research had ever explored psoriasis patients’ perceptions of it.
The largest ever global psoriasis patient survey was created. Led by a global steering committee of physicians and patient representatives, 25 patient groups around the world shaped the questions and disseminated the survey to their members. The results were staggering, highlighting the low expectations of patients and clinicians and the crippling effect on those patients not achieving clear skin.
The suffering, hopes, and dreams of those surveyed were brought to life by world-renowned body paint artist and psoriasis patient Natalie Fletcher, using skin as her canvas. Once launched to the media and community, the reaction was overwhelming, with patients around the world joining the #Ask4Clear movement. The results have changed conversation in the patient community and been presented to national governments and the clinical community to change clinical practice.

Judges’ comments

This is an impressive global programme with clear, concise objectives along with a well-developed targeted strategy. They achieved fascinating visuals that were taken from powerful data, were hard-hitting and clearly dramatically impacted people’s lives.