
Sarah Sowerby


Summary of work

Over the last 28 years I have been privileged to help create some of the greatest Rx, OTC, GSL and device brands.

What gets me out of bed each day is making a difference to people’s lives; telling the amazing stories of our fantastic health brands to help relieve suffering or reduce health risks.

Our industry does a huge amount of unrecognised good in the world. I am so proud to be a part of it. And I  get very irritated by naysayers or those who do not take an evidence-based view.

2017 was a wonderful fifth birthday for Wordbird. My team delivered 314 projects that we are really proud of. Our agency growth surpassed expectations and we met all Kingston Smith’s KPIs for top-performing agencies. Empowering, training and leading our young team to deliver this success has been an honour.

My own motto is ‘plough your own furrow’. I don’t worry whether somebody else’s grass is greener than mine – I do my own thing to the very best of my ability. And that is what I ask of my team. Sometimes we have to dig deep, but what doesn’t kill you certainly does make you stronger!

Judges’ comments

Sarah delivered a brilliant presentation that had passion and focus. During her career she has driven enormous amounts of value to the industry and she has been very influential to the people who work with her. She focuses on developing people through their strengths, which is an incredibly powerful leadership style.


Rob Pilbrow


Sarah Sowerby


Sarah Bartlett