Excellence in Corporate Communications – External Stakeholders

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More Cherished Moments

by BCW for Boehringer Ingelheim

Summary of work

Innovations in healthcare can be lifechanging for those living with severe health conditions, giving them hope for the future and more cherished moments with their loved ones. BI believes these moments constitute the real value of health innovations and future treatment options.
BI’s concern was that public fatigue around the overuse of “innovation” diluted its meaning and risked the company’s own pioneering work in delivering truly innovative health solutions being overlooked by external stakeholders.
More Cherished Moments is an open, pioneering, and emotive corporate brand campaign that spanned four continents in five languages. It broke through the “innovation noise” by capturing the value and significance of innovation across both human and animal health and how this motivates everybody at BI to do their best every single day.
BI wanted the world to know that it is committed to valuable innovations and so the campaign helped increase the perception of BI as an "innovative company" after climbing 6 places in a list of the 10 most innovative companies globally. 73% of people surveyed now describe BI as a company that develops innovative products for humans and animals (an 87% rise from before the campaign).

To date, the program has successfully generated and leveraged data through newly established channels and partnerships with engaged stakeholders. The program has already successfully influenced clinical practice and policy at global, country and clinic levels via novel insights and targeted, patient-focused solutions. Adherence is gaining the attention it has long needed, and real-world outcomes will improve as a result.

Judges’ comments

More Cherished Moments was a simple campaign, but the results demonstrated that sometimes simple is best. We liked the fact that they used innovation to make it meaningful. The project had personality, decent outcomes and a clear purpose. It was a nice example of great story telling across languages and cultures.