Excellence in Corporate Communications – Internal Stakeholders

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Staying Connected and Communicating In A Year of Change

by Mearns & Pike for Medtronic

Summary of work

No-one could have predicted what 2020 would have in store for Medtronic UK & Ireland. Like everyone, we faced the unfolding events of the COVID-19 pandemic and a need to keep our teams connected, engaged and motivated.
We also faced an additional internal communications challenge in 2020: the biggest change in structure of the company in recent years and the departure of the longest serving and best loved Medtronic UK & Ireland leader.
We kept the company engaged through a mix of Staying Connected events, positive COVID stories shining a light on the great work of the Medtronic team to adapt and support patients and customers, and virtual cafes. And we managed the change of structure in Medtronic by celebrating the past and reminding the organisation of all the changes they had successfully negotiated in recent years.
The result was a highly motivated team – ready for the future and proud of what they have done to support the patients and health services in the UK and Ireland through the COVID-19 pandemic.

To date, the program has successfully generated and leveraged data through newly established channels and partnerships with engaged stakeholders. The program has already successfully influenced clinical practice and policy at global, country and clinic levels via novel insights and targeted, patient-focused solutions. Adherence is gaining the attention it has long needed, and real-world outcomes will improve as a result.

Judges’ comments

Staying Connected and Communicating in a Year of Change took a holistic approach to employee welfare. It was bold and innovative with a well-thought through strategic approach and originality in implementation. We really appreciated the honesty and authenticity we saw here. A great example of how internal communications can truly engage when innovation is used in the right way to achieve measurable results.