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Breaking the Dangerous Cycle of Over-reliance on SABA Inhalers

by Real Chemistry for AstraZeneca

Summary of work

Overuse of blue reliever (SABA) inhalers is a systemic and dangerous health problem. The situation prevails despite global asthma guidelines changing in 2019, urging doctors to stop treating symptoms solely with SABA inhalers.
To disrupt decades of apathy, we launched an omni-channel patient programme encouraging patients to rethink SABA over-dependency. The campaign targeted all the inhaler trigger points where sufferers may over-rely on SABA. Our disruptive creative approach brought the broken cycle of SABA overuse to life.
Promotion came through: cutting-edge AI-powered personalized Facebook and Instagram ads; contextual programmatic display; YouTube pre-roll; and out-of-home. Ads were developed with ‘trigger moments’ in mind, and activated based on real-time environmental factors (pollen, temperature, pollution.) The Break Over-reliance campaign has been successfully implemented across 18 countries, with the backing of medical and patient groups who identified with campaign’s important message.

To date, the program has successfully generated and leveraged data through newly established channels and partnerships with engaged stakeholders. The program has already successfully influenced clinical practice and policy at global, country and clinic levels via novel insights and targeted, patient-focused solutions. Adherence is gaining the attention it has long needed, and real-world outcomes will improve as a result.

Judges’ comments

This was an engaging piece with impressive strategy and great results that tackles a massive issue in the healthcare space, which can often be difficult and badly managed. We particularly liked the contrast between the story and the modern visuals depicting the day-to-day struggles and life of patients.