
Kate Tillett


Summary of work

As executive director of external affairs for MSD UK Kate Tillett is recognised as a thought leader in the UK pharmaceutical industry. She has held a number of representational and leadership posts that include serving as an elected member of the ABPI’s Board of Management. 

Kate has been a critical thinker and contributor in industry negotiations with government on the Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme (PPRS) since 1992 and a thought leader on health technology assessment (HTA) methodologies over the decades. For a number of years she has also led and role-modelled the industry's approach to collaborative engagement with patient groups and other key stakeholders. 

She has also represented the pharmaceutical industry on the NICE Partners Council; the Department of Health’s Medicines Partnership Task Force and the Ask About Medicines Advisory Board. Additionally, she initiated and served on the Concordance Working Group at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain; was a member of the Future Patient Advisory Group at the IPPR and has advised the General Medical Council. Prior to joining MSD, Kate worked agency-side at Good Relations and ran her own consultancy business for eight years.


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