
EyeCases Live Online

by NexGen Healthcare Communications for AbbVie

Summary of work

EyeCases Live Online is a web-based application that allows delivery of interactive online workshops for ophthalmologists based on real-life patient cases. The objectives were to:

  • Place guideline recommendations and clinical data into context
  • Encourage discussion and self-reflection regarding diagnosis, treatment choices
  • Engage with ophthalmologists online with high levels of interactivity
  • Maximise learner retention with explorative learning
  • Stimulate discussion with peers and experts on rationale for treatment choices.

As far as we are aware, this is the only platform that combines self-directed exploration of a case with live online discussion and didactic presentations, all in a single window on any browser, any device.

While many webinars claim to be interactive, this platform achieves a true two-way interaction that goes beyond polling, with non-linear, exploratory learning and interpretation of data and images.

Overall, EyeCases offers an innovative way of delivering case-based learning that goes beyond information dissemination and instead delivers opportunities for HCPs to gain valuable interactions and build clinical confidence through peer learning and exchange.

Judges’ comments

The interactive learning based on real cases provided a real differentiator for this piece of work.  The flexibility that this has in enabling high quality medical education to be delivered around the world is hugely impressive. The judges liked that the integrated platform meant that it would appeal to people with different learning styles and also recognised that this provided ‘good bang for your buck’ for what was achieved within the budget.